Top Takeaways: Limitless

Top Takeaways from Limitless:

- Key idea: our mental capacity and potential for learning is an infinite resource and the only limits are the self-imposed ones. We have to identify the limits we have been socialized into believing and unlearn them so we can learn how to learn without limitations

- Digital distractions: we rely on technology so much that it hinders our memory, critical thinking, and reasoning skills by way of distraction, forgetfulness, and overload.

- Brain advice: use it to remember things rather than your phone (grocery list, phone numbers, etc) and give it time to rest (drive without music, eat without looking at phone)

- Inner critic: we are controlled often by the set of limitations or assumptions we impose on ourselves or others have imposed on us – these keep many from reaching for what they truly desire

- Strategies: read in 30 min bursts to get optimal results (concentration/memory/focus). We remember the beginning and ending of what we study in a session so break up one long session into multiple shorter ones so you have more beginnings and endings. Speed reading can increase comprehension/focus/concentration and takes less effort than traditional reading

- Knowledge + Action = Power

- Small steps are an effective way of overcoming inaction due to being overwhelmed by having too much to do. Break down big goal into many small actions and take small steps toward it

- Daily habits: get enough sleep and have a well-balanced diet, eliminate distractions that disrupt your productivity, change the decisions and habits that are working against you reaching your goals

- The 3M model consists of analyzing three areas where you may have a limit that you need to release and change: mindset, motivation, methods

1) mindset: [what] your beliefs, values, assumptions we internalize about who we are, the world around us and how it works, what we deserve and are capable of, and what is possible in our lives in the context of our perceived reality

o For limitations of mindset: you may not believe in yourself, your abilities, what you feel is possible for yourself, and what you believe you deserve

2) motivation: [why] what drives you (purpose) to do what you do personally; add energy + small simple steps + your purpose à achieve motivation + productive flow

o For limitations of motivation: you may not have the necessary drive, energy, or purpose to push forward with the action to get you where you want to go

3) methods: [how] the processes you were taught or saw others use to help you get the results you want; finding processes that will help you excel mentally (ways to focus, study, memorize key ideas, speed read, and think clearly)

o For limitations of methods: you may have learned processes and actions that are ineffective in getting the results you hope to achieve


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